One day In this City Dreams,we'll find our dream where both our dreams and reality collide ♥
"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." (Peter Pan)

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Performing for Theatre :)
Thursday, March 3

Theatre:)  )극장(
GREAT! im having a rehearsal again!!?? :'(
Aww , it's tiring ! i dont know it would be this tired . 
yeah i know we had our last performance on last october , but it's not even this bad 
it's tiring + boring + suspending :P
but anyway , i think it's good to have our GAMELAN TEAM back again
가믈란  .!

but's not the same without our teacher , tcer ling foong and tcer Ali.
:'(( l2 weeks back , err... no no ... i think it was last week , 
yeah ... LAST WEEK , I called tcher ling foong ^^ oh my , it feels
like a RELIEF to hear her laugh an voice . 
oh yeah , forgot to mention that RAFIQ SAHIMY was there . 
and he was like *what are they talking about? and with who?*
onthat night , we are having gamelan rehearsal for the first time , 
it was a last minute thingy..
i called thcer Ali as well , yeah ,it's really relieving when
I talked with him . Aww , I miss Both of my music tcer so much !!!

Both of them are willing to see us ! (gamelan team)
okay, it's March now . I am kinda sad for not get
to go to SUPER SHOW 3 (SUPER JUNIOR) in malaysia . 
last time, i cried like HELL for not get to go to the 
i cant imagine how bad will I cry for not going to SS3 this march . 
the concert will held on 19th March 2011
Oh , please . I really want to go to SS3 .
it makes me cry when my friends asked me whether im going or not . 
well , at school , adlinatasya is known as *KOREAN GIRL!*
tht's why my friends asked me for many times . 
especially 4 Account class . (my class)seriously , 
i often cried in class , especially when the tcer is not in class .
i dont know it will be this bad either .
ANYHOW !!!! I WANT TO GO To SS3 !!!! PLEASE !!!;'(((

슈퍼 주니어, 난 당신을 정말 사랑해 !!!

next week , i will have a test . uk1 , 
at school and my music class =='
oh god I HATE IT ! oh ! got to go now , 
im having a rehearsal at school . rush rush rush !!! :)

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layout by ellie. image from weheartit.
Tiny Hand With Heart