One day In this City Dreams,we'll find our dream where both our dreams and reality collide ♥
"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." (Peter Pan)

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I wonder~
Thursday, April 21


well... i dont know what to talk about but perhaps, i think there's alot of story to tell . 
okay , first of all , tonight , our boy Justin Bieber will have his first tour i think , to malaysia . 
well , it's lucky to those fanatic's . DUH , im not his fan okay , actually im a fan of his songs . 

okay , the 2nd thing is , i heard tht 2AM is coming !!!! wow ! i totally want to go !
but i have no idea where to get the tix . 
anyone knoe where can i get it? well , i am crazy of korean's  so i think it's okay if i talk about it here
beside's its MY blog . and i also heard that bruno mars are coming to have his tour in malaysia too!
oh i am so glad that they are really having their tour in malaysia . 
that's great ! here we can tell that malaysia is getting FAMOUS ! am i right??

my current song is - it's you by super junior . 
speaking about super junior , yes im addicted to them alot ! i can almost everyday i talked 
about them with myfriends , sometimes we even make our own story . 
oh yeah !! before i forgot , my dad bought me my own ANDROID TOUCH!!!
but you know , its been more like a hell . 
i dont like TOUCH SCREEN ! i dont know 
why , but i dislike it so much .
2days back , my friend hara told me that leeteuk make a tweet using his tweeter
telling the fans that he did wrestling with donghae's iPAD , and now it shown that 
leeteuk doesnt know how to use TOUCH SCREEN
that's really in common with me . 

i think i should go now , im wasting my time typing crap and hell - FULL OF NONSENSE
if you guys care . i have to go my piano class at setiawangsa !
btw , nowadays , ive been in so much busy !!
moreover , when ive been chosen to be one of the school prefect 
huh , what a day . 

but i hope that i could catch up on all my studies . 
and also my music 

bye !!!! love you guys readers !

layout by ellie. image from weheartit.
Tiny Hand With Heart