One day In this City Dreams,we'll find our dream where both our dreams and reality collide ♥
"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." (Peter Pan)

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Saturday, May 14

 in my facebook status just now.... i posted about something i'd like to say to him .. i think .
but it's in hangeul .i dont knw why i felt so neglected by my family and friends . Maybe it's because that i am too stress . This month, is the examination month . mid year exam . i really cant wait for the 2weeks of holiday . Till then, i cam finally be free to do something else besides going to school . this holiday, i might wanna make a dance cover for super junior , cooking2 with the other's ^^ it's been a pleasure .
Anyway,i did study hard for my dance cover, and my examination . Fuhh,this monday , it's economy exam turn. essays?oh my god , i cant take it .  and i dont think i can . music exam's??? AGAIN!?? argh !! i think i want to drop my music , but somehow i felt like it's a waste to drop music because i did learn alot about it .
this 28? i want to go.... i really want to go to see sujuM eventho My dear SPECIAL will not be there.
why do I feel neglected? by my closest friends? my family? or maybe all of them?So I was so quiet. I see them every day together, without me.i guess they might not be needing me anymore. and I might feel jealous ofthem.
2last week, when i was at my cousin's birthday party... 
i really had fun . beautiful balloons , cake's and even the party is about toystory .
ilhan is turning to 2 . congrats....

지난 주, 나는 나의 특별한 잃었어 .... 하지만 이유는, 내 생각에 그것은 영원히 잃었다면, 메신저 미안 해요 ... 정말 죄송합니다. 처음에는 전혀 그런 내가 다른 곳에 넣어 알아요. 이 28에 대해서, 당신이 오지 않을 것을 알아요. 하지만 난 항상 내 친애하는 특별한 당신을 사랑합니다<3

mianhada chingu -ya....

layout by ellie. image from weheartit.
Tiny Hand With Heart