One day In this City Dreams,we'll find our dream where both our dreams and reality collide ♥
"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." (Peter Pan)

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miss you and funny?
Tuesday, January 24
i miss this girl <3 my only best female cousin !!
we're like sister's , friends,cousins, family and best  of all sweetenemies <3 hehee


Oh yeahh last night Jisoo tell me his SECRET ,(YM)

natsuki_yokoto: u want to know something
natsuki_yokoto: a secret
shintaehyo: whaaatt?
shintaehyo:   i love secret!! 
shintaehyo: hihii
natsuki_yokoto: i actually hug and kisss the pillow while im 
sleeping becoz i tho' u nxt to meeeeeeeeeeee
natsuki_yokoto: >//////////////////////////////<
shintaehyo: *laugh in real life*
natsuki_yokoto: aaaaaaaaaaa
natsuki_yokoto: this is shameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
natsuki_yokoto: ><
natsuki_yokoto: aaaaaaaaaaa

iloveyou <3

layout by ellie. image from weheartit.
Tiny Hand With Heart