One day In this City Dreams,we'll find our dream where both our dreams and reality collide ♥
"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." (Peter Pan)

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when 2012 Arrived
Tuesday, January 3
2012 Arrives~ :)
I forgot when i last update my blog?
oh it's alright, Happy new year of 2012 guys! and If you ask,
ofcourse im still RP-ing and stuffs. Guess what? i've broke up with minhyuk last night. seems to be like that, he deactivated his account and went off like that .What a jerk. so selfish. Well like yul and fany said, i still have to go on cause things happen right? if you can see I put the picture of Chi hoon there right?
it's bec i think i fall in love with him instead of leeteuk ==' 
Chi hoon-ahh~ ppali wa, come to me xD

So, Thank you for everything and goodbye for today, 
Kang Minhyuk , (2Jan2012-mon-)

Oh well guess what!? School's back again and im gonna have SPM the next . 
Im sooooooo DOOOMED and in trouble! 
Alright next story, Im thank to Allah cause before, i have nothing at all at home. and now, i am so grateful because a bit by bit, I guess everything will complete soon.
I alr have keyboard, just a simple keyboard... and then i have astro beyond and importaintly i have ONE HD channel :) and now i alr have P1 4G internet at home. About this year, maybe my dad will buy me a KAWAI piano and i want it in WHITE ~ surely cause i love blue and white colour.

layout by ellie. image from weheartit.
Tiny Hand With Heart