One day In this City Dreams,we'll find our dream where both our dreams and reality collide ♥
"Never say goodbye, because saying goodbye means going away, and going away means forgetting." (Peter Pan)

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CAUTION! Find yourself..
Sunday, October 12

If you ever find yourself in the wrong page, leave.

This is the quote that I love. it means that, If you ever feel its wrong to be in some situation, without hesitating you should just move on. You won't want to regret in future. You know, life is too short to be sad. YOLO? that;s what its directed to. I'm thinking of making a youtube video and be youtuber. Well I know it's not gonna be fun because we have to be cool and act all fun way . well t is maybe because we are talking in front of the camera. Im used to that. like, I really love camera and attention but for some reasons it would make me nervous because i am afraid of what I will get in review. you know what I mean. 

-Love adlinatasya

layout by ellie. image from weheartit.
Tiny Hand With Heart